DIY Wedding Invitation Star Ornament

I’m too excited about this DIY project to wait until tomorrow to share it! You lucky readers get a double feature today!

DIY Wedding Invitation Ornament 3D Star with Tassel

I’ve seen ideas of putting pieces of your wedding invitation in an ornament before, but I wanted to do something that better commemorated our wedding this year. So I decided to turn my wedding extras into a sweet and special holiday ornament.

DIY Wedding Invitation Ornament 3D Star

Today I’m going to show you how to make the 3D star and tomorrow I’ll share the tutorial on making the tassel.

DIY 3D Star What You'll Need

For the 3D star, you’ll need the following supplies:
* Scissors
* Mod Podge and brush
* Straight Edge
* Pencil
* Wedding Invitation (or any other kind of paper you want your star to be made out of. Maybe sheet music from your first dance?)
* Star stencil (I just made mine in Illustrator and printed it out. You could also probably find a star in Google Images and cut it out)
* String (I used the twine that was used on our invitations and other wedding decor)
* Scoring Tool (if you have a tool made for scoring, great! I just used the corner of a ruler and it worked just fine)

First, figure out what part of your paper you want shown, trace the star and cut it out. Using your straight edge and scoring tool, score lines as shown as below. I’ve highlighted the lines in orange so you can see a little better.

3D Star Scorring

Now, fold along those scored lines, both directions. You’ll be encouraging the 3D shape by making the points fold outward and the sections below each point inward.

Do the same with a second star so you have a front and a back to your 3D star.

3D Stars Folded

Using your Mod Podge, glue a loop of string to the inside of one of the stars at whichever point you’d like to have at the top. This will be the string to hang it from your tree or mantel.

3D Star Hanger

You’re now ready to glue the two 3D stars together. Use the Mod Podge to glue the edges together, and then coat all sides of the star with a layer of Mod Podge. This will give you star a nice hard coating. It can be a little tricky to get the thing edges to stick together, so it might take a couple of coats.

Hang your gorgeous 3D star to dry, embellish as you wish and then display! I love the idea of using other items from your wedding to spice up the wedding a little more. Edge the star with ribbon you used on the programs, add another smaller star made from your save the date, or even a small photo. The possibilities are endless!

DIY Wedding Invitaiton Star Ornament 1

DIY Wedding Invitation Star Ornament

DIY Wedding Invitation Ornament 3

DIY Wedding Invitation Ornament 4

Check back tomorrow for a tutorial on making the twine tassel on my ornaments!



Filed under DIY and Crafts, Holidays

2 responses to “DIY Wedding Invitation Star Ornament

  1. Pingback: DIY Ornament Part 2: Tassel Tutorial « Design Bright

  2. Pingback: 2012 In Review « Design Bright

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